2024 Chili Cookoff & Dessert Competition

Chili Cookoff 2023Bring your appetite and join the fun as our community amateur chefs work their culinary magic and compete for the title of Best Chili! We will also be hosting the Dessert Competition, with a new Kids category this year, so bring on your sweet tooth and master bakers!



People's Choice - Best Chili
People's Choice - Best Dessert
People's Choice - Best Kids Dessert

Register to compete!

Awards are given for each People's Choice category.

Awards include, champion aprons, and bragging rights!

Registration Deadline: Friday Nov 1

Click the blue "Register Now" button below to submit your registration, you will also be able to see a list of all the current entries and types.


Any questions email us at board@biddlevillesmallwood.com.


Rules & Other Info:

Chili Cookoff
You must provide a full crock-pot of your chili. 
Chili must be homemade and not purcahsed from a store or restaurant, keep it honest and fun for the community.
You may provide topping options for your chili, and or chips, or other food sides, these will not be included with judging.


Dessert Competition
Pre-packaged store-bought brands or commercially available pre-made desserts may not be entered, show your skills not your wallet. 
Prepare a family size serving, not individual servings.
For the Kids category, these should be primarily made by your child, we understand help from a parent will be needed, be honest, keep this fun, this category is for ages 12 & under.


There will be small tasting bowls and spoons provided, you DO NOT need to provide your own. 



Current Chili Registrations

Name of Chili Type of Chili